Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thing 6

I've been following several blogs for almost a year. However with Google Reader, I decided to subscribe to some totally new ones. I have a cooking blog, Ian Jukes Committed Sardine, and several others that are very diverse. I get a little overwhelmed sometimes when I miss a few days and have so many to read that I feel like I'm playing catch-up. I have figured out that I don't need to read them all, so skimming and scanning has been a helpful tool.
My favorite so far has been a post from Tech Learning called Making a Difference by Dan Grey. In his post he talks about the feeling of hopelessness when looking at the state of education in some places in the US. That so many schools seem backwards and far behind in today's standards. He then relates the story of Abel Real. Everyone should watch this YouTube video. It tells us why, that even though it is a struggle to get technology into the hands of students, we should continue to try. It literally saved this young man's life and enabled him to be a productive citizen. After reading his article, I know the struggle is worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these links. I'm glad that you have discovered you don't have to read everything. Sometimes the "mark all as read" button can be your best friend! :-)
