Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thing 4

So many blogs, so little time!
My favorite blog of the ones suggested was Power Point Reform. For some time I have been trying to convince teachers that there is so much more to presentations than bullets on a PP. I liked the guidelines and hope I can get these in the hands of teachers and students.
Patricks Update was also a good example of how students' blogs can reflect their true thoughts and feelings. The comment section of this blog I hope was very encouraging to Patrick. When students can read reactions to their own writing, it makes a much bigger impact on their thinking and learning.
However, the blog that was the most disturbing and frightening was Spies Like Us. It really is scary to think about how vulnerable we all are in this age of instant photos and videos. It shows the need for a different type of technology education. We can't just teach the skills, we have to also teach the ethics of the technology. I wish there was a "With Technology Comes Responsibility" class for our students.


  1. An internet safety/ethics class is a good idea. We've thrown around the idea of including something like that in the 8th grade ICT curriculum.

  2. I agree that there should be an ethics class that starts as soon as students are able to put thoughts onto a computer. Especially for students that can't see consequences of their actions before they impulsively act should be taught an ethics class each semester.

  3. I have seen so many teachers plug students onto a website and grade papers while they are in the lab. This can allow them to get to some scary sites (intentionally or unintentionally) and to really do some damage. We need to educate teachers as well as students!

  4. I agree that teaching computer ethics need to start from the minute they get on a computer. I also agree that we have got to get teachers away from using Power Point. There are so many other wonderful programs that can be used. The challenge is getting people away from what they are already comfortable using.
