Monday, June 15, 2009

Thing 1

7 1/2 Habits of Effective Life-Long Learners
I recently took a Facebook Quiz called "Which Quote Defines Your Life". Not surprisingly mine was "Knowledge is Power." A good day for me is one in which I have learned something new. It is what keeps me interested and motivated.
Play is probably the habit that is the most difficult for me. I have a real problem saying "no" so I'm constantly playing catch-up. My husband has been trying to get me to go to a movie (the last one we saw was National Treasure,2) and I never seem to find the time to spare. Makes me worry about retirement!
Begin with the end in mind has always been what I have tried to do in teaching. If you don't know where you are going, then how do you know when you get there. Intel Teach brought this point home when we had to submit a student project before we finished the lesson. Really made me think about what I was asking the class to learn.
Viewing problems as challenges will be very important in completing this course. With as many "things" to learn, I'm sure challenges, not problems will arise.

1 comment:

  1. The thing that I have found that helps me in the "play" area is my 9 month old son. His laughter is so intoxicating that I will get down on the floor with him and make goofy faces just to hear him laugh. I once heard a quote that children laugh around 400 times a day! And how many of times do adults? About 30! Wow! I think in teaching we forget that we can laugh with our kids! So my encouragement to you is to make an appointment in your PDA or your phone and go sit on a swing or find a friend who has a young child and remember what it means to play.

    Mrs. Weed
